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Tuesday, September 18, 2007


What is back yard shamanry?

Well to start off... there is no such thing as shamanism... the 'ism' behind shaman misleads us to believe that shaman'ism' is a belief system or religion even unto its self independent of an animist cosmology that is grounded and centered in place. Shaman is a role created by an animist community, by both human and other than human persons, and is a role filled by both human and other than human persons. The characteristics of the shaman are designed by the bioregion itself and is as much an aspect and expression of a bioregion as the flora and fauna. Because the shaman is a role within an animist belief system, it like many other roles, cannot be called a belief system thus the adage of ism to shaman is as inappropriate as adding ism behind the word carpenter, or therapist or doctor... even healer in which the word shaman is the most synonymous cannot be called a belief system, and placing, ism behind healer, therapist, or doctor, would be absurd...

This blog is in preparation for a book based on Bioregional animisms healers as well as a place to transmit stories of healing and inspiration....
The book Bioregional animism: Finding the spirit of the shaman in your back yard with out having to culturally appropriate, is still in the works and is still waiting for enough work to be contributed from others from other bioregions telling their stories of how they relate to the land from this particular life way...

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